REMEMBER: No pants!!

Ancient Greek Costume: 5th c BC to 1st c AD – Paul Andersen [archived]
#article #Clothing #bacchanalresources #Greek

Ancient Roman Accessories category on The Accidental Scadian – Furia Maxima [archived]
#Accessories #article #bacchanalresources #Roman

Anointing the living and the dead – the art of perfumery in antiquity – Dúgū Jǐnán/Kasia Gromek

Anointing the living and the dead – the art of perfumery in antiquity – part 2 – Dúgū Jǐnán/Kasia Gromek

Caesar Undressing: Ancient Romans Wore Leather Panties And Loincloths – Kristina Killgrove

Chic, not Shapeless: An Overview of Female Garments, Accessories and Style from the Roman Empire – Petronia Casta and Aemilia Rufinia

Class on making period cosmetics, taught in Elkhorn, WI – Dúgū Jǐnán/Kasia Gromek

Clothing Tutorials [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#bacchanalresources #Clothing #Egyptian #gallery #Greek #Roman

Colours of the Roman – Jenny Dean’s Wild Colour
#article #bacchanalresources #Clothing #General #Roman

Cool Roman Garb for Brutal Trimarian Summers Aka “How to Survive the Summer and Look AWESOME!” by Comitessa Marcia Dulcitia, OL, OP, OR

Easy Versatile Summer Garb for Ren Faire, SCA, etc || Ancient Roman Tunica, Stola, Palla
#bacchanalresources #video

Egyptian accessories [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#Accessories #bacchanalresources #Egyptian #gallery

Egyptian accessories [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#Accessories #bacchanalresources #Belts #Egyptian #gallery #Jewelry #Shoes

Egyptian Men’s Clothing [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#bacchanalresources #Clothing #Egyptian #gallery #Men’s

Egyptian Women’s Clothing [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#bacchanalresources #Clothing #Egyptian #gallery #Women’s

Eight recipes from Around the Roman Table: Food and Feasting in Ancient Rome – Patrick Faas
#article #bacchanalresources #food #General #Roman

Etruscan Men’s Clothing [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#bacchanalresources #Clothing #Etruscan #gallery #Men’s

Etruscan Women’s Clothing [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#bacchanalresources #Clothing #Etruscan #gallery #Women’s

Greek and Roman Dress A-Z – Liza Cleland, Glenys Davies, and Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones
#bacchanalresources #Clothing #General #Greek #researchbook #Roman

Greek Men’s Clothing [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#bacchanalresources #Clothing #gallery #Greek #Men’s

Greek vs. Roman: How to Tell the Difference at a Glance! by Marcia Dulcitia

Greek Women’s Clothing [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#bacchanalresources #Clothing #gallery #Greek #Women’s

Hair and Cosmetics Tutorials [KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board]
#bacchanalresources #Cosmetics #gallery #Greek #Hair #Roman

Historical Perfumery in the West. From The Bronze Age To Classical Antiquity – Dúgū Jǐnán/Kasia Gromek

How to Create a Loop in Loop Chain – Tammy Honaman [Fire Mountain Gems and Beads]

How to Make Roman Clothing

Janet Stephens’ Tutorials: Ancient Rome, Greece, Mediterranean [YouTube playlist]
#bacchanalresources #video

KWC Bacchanal Pinterest board
#Accessories #bacchanalresources #Clothing #Cosmetics #Egyptian #Etruscan #gallery #General #Greek #Hair #Jewelry #Roman

Making an Ionic Chiton: Easy Historical Costuming for Beginners | Rings of Power Cosplay
#bacchanalresources #video


Nice Women Don’t Wear Togas: What Roman Women wore from 753 BC to 399 CE by Countess Dulcia MacPherson, OL, OP, OR