Due to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, the KWC is sponsoring our first ever Online Courtesan College. We’ve worked hard to have our Courtesan College course track recognized at Pennsic, physically, we’re not giving ground in the digital world.
Courtesans and courtesan guilds across the knowne world have been called on to share their delights with the Knowne World Courtesans, and they have responded with a resounding, “Oh, yes!”
Click on the tabs above to access the Student Guide, which details how to get set up to take classes, and the Daily Schedule, a list of classes and activities, their descriptions, and access links.
The SCA prohibits harassment and bullying of all individuals and groups.
Society for Creative Anachronism Bullying & Harassment Policy
Student Guide
General information For Zoom classes Joining your class Setup
General information
Here’s a quick student guide to make sure you’re all set to start your classes without delay!
Test your webcam and microphone. You can use your phone or a friend to check that others can hear and/or see you. We recommend that you use a headset if possible to prevent echoing from the speaker/microphone interaction.
Check the links to your classes. Do you need to sign up for an account to use that platform? To download an app? Make sure your ad and autoplay blockers are off.
Don’t forget: all classes are listed as Eastern Daylight Time. Double check what that is in your local timezone!
Wearing garb is encouraged but not required.
We also recommend that you use an ethernet cable if you can for a stronger connection to prevent dropping the video/meeting.
You should use the desktop app if possible.
For Zoom classes:
Quick start guide for new Zoom users
We encourage you to use your SCA name.
Joining your class:
- Find your class’ listing below and click on the name of the class.
- Click on the link under “Join Zoom Meeting.”
- You can also copy the meeting ID, then open the Zoom app, click “Join” (“Join Meeting” on the phone app) and paste the ID, then click “Join.”
- The moderator will let you in.
- The menu bar appears at the bottom of your screen when you move your mouse. Click on “Participants,” then “Chat.” This will show both of these items in the sidebar on the right.
- You can mute or unmute yourself by clicking on the microphone icon at the bottom left of your screen. Please keep your microphone muted unless asking a question or performing – most classes are being recorded.
- To toggle your video feed on and off, click on the video camera icon at the bottom left of your screen.
- Review the “Changing the video layout” guide to change the video layout view.
For day-of help, please contact the KWC Virtual Courtesan College page
Daily Schedule
Cancelled Activities
Sunday, August 2nd
1:00 PM EDT: Games for Fun and Flirting with Richard Harris/Kalbarðr Gyllir
Monday, August 3rd
12:00 PM EDT: The Roman Meretrix Ornatae with Justina di Silvestri
8:00 PM EDT: Semper Ubi Sub Ubi: Roman Underwear with Katie Lewis/Katherine Throckmorton
9:00: Roman Cosmetics with Katie Lewis/Katherine Throckmorton
Wednesday, August 5th
5:30 PM EDT: Masked Balls with Erik Sateren/Ulrich Aeowulf MacNaughtine
Thursday, August 6th
10:00 AM EDT: To Love the King: a brief overview of the history of the royal mistress with Rachel Olson Wertheimer/Simona bat Leone
12:00 PM EDT: Virtual Garb Challenge with Heather Fitzpatrick/Bianca Anguissola
6:30 PM EDT: How to Make and Wear a Structured Hairpiece with Kari Carlson/Phaedra de Vere
Friday, August 7th
12:00 PM EDT: Whores to Culture Podcast Interview with The Honorable Lady Magdalena Lucia Ramberti
Below you can see our schedule of classes. Please note that it is shown in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC−04:00). Click on the class name to see more details, including the link to the Zoom conference for that class. You can click “copy to my calendar” to add to your personal Google Calendar which will adjust to your time zone. You can add the full calendar to your Google calendar by clicking the “+” in the lower right corner (must be done on a non-mobile device).
Most classes will be recorded, so please keep your mic muted when joining until directed otherwise by the instructor. You can use the chat feature to ask questions.