Wednesday, July 31st – Thursday, August 8th
Courtesan Camp (block B06) 

We are thrilled to announce that we will once again be having a Courtesan Track with Pennsic University this year! Join the Knowne World Courtesans as we offer classes on a variety of topics such as clothing, hair, art, historical and modern sexuality, poetry, jewelry, and more!

We will again be holding classes in our fabulous dayshade in Courtesan Camp next to Strawberry Fields (block B06 off eLeri Lane between Ankara and Visby Vale – across the battlefield and above handicapped parking). Please note all classes and activities hosted in Courtesan Camp are 18+ only.

All classes in the track listed on Thing ( have class titles ending in “CCt” – to search for all Courtesan College track classes, search for “CCt” under “Title” on the “Search Classes” tab.

Cancellations will be posted here as applicable. 

Facebook event

Daily Schedule

Cancelled Activities

Wednesday, August 7th:

2pm: CANCELLED: A History of Sex Toys


Below you can see our schedule of classes on Google Calendar. Click on the class name to see more details. You can click “copy to my calendar” to add to your personal Google Calendar. You can add the full calendar to your Google calendar by clicking the “+” in the lower right corner (must be done on a non-mobile device).

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